PHRASAL VERB 对…一笑置之;笑言以对 If you laugh off a difficult or serious situation, you try to suggest that it is amusing and unimportant, for example by making a joke about it.
The couple laughed off rumours that their marriage was in trouble... 夫妻两人对他们婚姻出现问题的谣言一笑置之。
Whilst I used to laugh it off, I'm now getting irritated by it. 这种事情我从前会付之一笑,但现在开始觉得挺烦的。
The couple laughed off rumours that their marriage was in trouble 夫妻两人对他们婚姻出现问题的谣言一笑置之。
Whilst I used to laugh it off, I'm now getting irritated by it. 这种事情我从前会付之一笑,但现在开始觉得挺烦的。
Now some would laugh it off and scold her for being silly. Some might even ignore what was said. 有人也许会对此一笑了之,或者责备这孩子的不懂事,有人甚至不把她的话放在心上。
Search for the humor or irony in the situation and laugh it off. 以幽默或讽刺的方式一笑了之。
And he gets to bring truth to the old saying that the streets of New York City are paved with gold. You might laugh this off as an unrealistic proverb. 他的经历证明了一句老话:纽约的街道是黄金铺就的。你可能把这句话当做不实的谚语一笑置之。
The ability to laugh things off and recognize when the intent was not to offend may help you get ahead. 一笑置之和识别非侵犯意图的能力可以帮你获得提升。
( He's not above likening the coal-industry spin to the handiwork of Goebbels.) If it were anyone else, Wall Street would probably laugh him off. (他未能免俗地将煤炭业的宣传比作是戈培尔的造势之作)。如果换成别人,华尔街很可能对此一笑置之。
We could but laugh off his suspicions. 我们只好以笑声来排除他的疑心。
I think you can just be entertained and laugh her off, he said. 我认为娱乐娱乐,笑话笑话她就行了,他说。
Now some would laugh it off and scold her for being silly. 现在,也许有些人会笑着让它过去并且责备孩子的无知。
You can't let a mistake get to you. you've got to laugh it off. 你不能让(去的)误老跟着你,你应该笑一笑忘了它就行了。
Surely they can't laugh off a loss of& 100. 当然,他们不能对100英镑的损失一笑了之。
Jack was caught cheating, but tried to laugh it off. 杰克作弊被抓,但是他企图借笑来逃过斥责。
He tried to laugh off his embarrassing situation. 他试图笑一笑,摆脱尴尬的局面。
He could only laugh off the spilled dinner. 他只能对打翻的晚餐一笑置之。
Why not laugh it off and enjoy yourself anyway? 为何不一笑了之,使自己开心?
When he tried to laugh it off, Jose became furious and they fought. 他想把这件事一笑置之,何塞火冒三丈,两人打了起来。
Most of the time he can laugh it off, but not always. 大多数时间他能对此一笑而过,但也并不总能这么洒脱。
Everything is clutch, success or failure so simple as a change of seasons, it is the natural choice, we have no choice, in addition to choose to laugh it off. 聚散离合、得失成败简单得如季节个更迭,那是自然的选择,我们便无可选择,除了选择一笑而过。
The girl was brave enough to laugh off her pain. 这姑娘很勇敢,把痛不当回事。
Please, this is important, don't laugh it off. 请注意,这点很重要,不要一笑了之。
He is sophisticated enough to laugh things off and let bygones be bygones. 他成熟老练,对事一笑了之,既往不咎。
An actor has to learn to laugh off bad reviews. 演员需学会能对贬斥性评论一笑置之的本事。
Just think of it I Ike that and laugh it off. 想想看,笑笑就过去了。
I thought that I would laugh my head off, but I had to stop because my sides hurt. 我以为我会笑的前仰后合的,但我不停下来,我的身体两侧很痛。
It was an embarrassing situation, but she managed to laugh it off. 那个场面很尴尬,可她一笑摆脱了窘境。
Surely they cannot laugh off a loss of& 100. 当然他们不能用笑来逃避100镑的损失。
Nor are Parisians allowed to laugh off their codes. 巴黎人也不能对自己的规矩一笑置之。
Memories open eyes one eye closed one eye to laugh it off, stay in the imagination of the nasty-nice book yesterday. 回忆睁一只眼闭一只眼的一笑而过,停留在想象昨日书本上的笑里藏刀。
You might laugh this off as an unrealistic proverb. 你可能把这句话当做不实的谚语一笑置之。